

Angaza Ministries is focused primarily on spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the communities of Kibera Slums and Homa Bay, Kenya. Besides street evangelism, we also do house visits in the slum. Talking to the families, asking for prayer requests, and bringing small gifts like cooking oil, chapati flour, or feminine hygiene products. We partner with the local church to find the best way to outreach to the community, and also to provide a Bible to every household.

Another part of evangelism is Vacation Bible School. Through VBS, we generally have around 400 attendees per day in a week long event. Our last VBS brought 73 children to know Christ personally! We then partner these new brothers and sisters in Christ with a volunteer who checks up with them, and makes sure they have a good church to connect with. VBS is held bi yearly and any donations to this project is very appreciated.

Our budget for VBS is $1200.

We also are able to evangelize door to door in the Kibera slums. People are very open to the Gospel, but follow-up is very important to make sure new believers are being discipled. Recently, we started a home church in our office at Angaza. What started out with 5 attendees has grown to over 30 every week. Please pray as this continues to grow!

Our budget for church services is $150 a month.